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ADIRA Finance’s Sinabung CareADIRA Finance Peduli Sinabung

ADIRA Finance’s Sinabung CareADIRA Finance Peduli Sinabung -->

24 November 2014 | Penulis : Adira Finance

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Karo (05/11), the incident of Sinabung has now begun to extend to a radius of 5 km due to the increased activity of the volcano eruption. The threats of incandescent rocks, hot clouds, ashes, and concentrated sands are very harmful to the villagers living around the site.

Seeing this situation, PT. Adira Multi Finance Tbk (Adira Finance) which is also a part of this community, feel the same experience suffered by the victims and refugees of Sinabung eruption. Through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) themed in Adira Care, Adira Finance in cooperation with KODAM I Bukit Barisan provides helps in form of rice for around 3,000 people in 17 evacuation points located in Karo.

The helps and aids were given on Wednesday, November 5th, 2014 at the University of Karo. These all is provided directly to the refugees in the area Karo by Abdul Rochim as the Head of Adira Finance Regional in North Sumatra along with Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo as the Chief of Staff of the Army, and Major General Winston P. Simanjuntak, the Commander 1 of Bukit Barisan and the officials of North Sumatra Province .

"This event is a form of Adira Finance’s vision realization that is to create the value of togetherness for the sakes of the company’s interest and also to improve the welfare of Indonesian people. We hope that our donation can be helpful to the residents and refugees during the evacuation time after the eruption of Sinabung Mount ", added Abdul Rochim.

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Karo (05/11), bencana Gunung Sinabung kini mulai meluas hingga radius 5 km karena meningkatnya aktivitas erupsi gunung itu. ancaman batu pijar, awan panas, abu, dan pasir yang sangat pekat dan membahayakan penduduk desa yang tinggal disekitar lokasi.

Melihat situasi ini, PT. Adira Dinamika Multi Finance,Tbk (Adira Finance) yang merupakan bagian dari masyarakat ini juga turut merasakan penderitaan yang dialami oleh masyarakat dan pengungsi letusan Gunung Sinabung. Melalui program Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) bertema Adira Peduli, Adira Finance bekerjasama dengan KODAM I Bukit Barisan memberikan bantuan berupa beras kepada sekitar 3.000 jiwa di 17 titik pengungsian di Kabupaten Karo.

Pemberian bantuan dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu, 5 November 2014 di Universitas Karo. Bantuan ini diberikan secara langsung kepada pengungsi di daerah Kabupaten Karo oleh Abdul Rochim selaku Kepala Wilayah Adira Finance Sumatera Bagian Utara bersama dengan Jenderal TNI Gatot Nurmantyo Kepala Staff Angkatan Darat, dan Mayjen TNI Winston P. Simanjuntak, Pangdam 1 Bukit Barisan dan Muspida Provinsi Sumatera Utara.

“Kegiatan ini merupakan pewujudan dari Visi Adira Finance yaitu Menciptakan Nilai bersama demi kepentingan perusahaan dan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia. Kami berharap donasi yang kami berikan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi warga dan para pengungsi letusan Gunung Sinabung selama mereka berada dipengungsian”, tutup Abdul Rochim.

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