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Adira Finance Membukukan Pembiayaan Baru Tumbuh 36% y/y hingga September 2021

29 Oktober 2021 | Penulis : Corporate Comm.

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Pada awal tahun 2021, tren penyebaran Covid-19 di domestik dan global sempat menunjukkan angka penurunan ditandai menurunnya kasus positif dan turunnya angka kematian harian. Namun pada pertengahan Juni 2021, angka penyebaran Covid-19 mulai mengalami kenaikan yang signifikan yang dipicu masuknya mutasi varian Covid-19 sehingga menciptakan gelombang kedua Covid-19 di Indonesia. Peningkatan signifikan kasus harian Covid-19 membuat Pemerintah mengimplementasikan PPKM (Pembatasan Kegiatan). Akibatnya, aktivitas ekonomi pada kuartal III – 2021 kembali kurang kondusif. Dengan adanya kondisi ketidakpastian yang masih tinggi, Kementerian Keuangan merevisi target pertumbuhan ekonomi turun dari 4,3%-5,3% menjadi 3,7%-4,5% di tahun 2021.

Seiring berjalannya penerapan kebijakan PPKM, prokotol kesehatan yang ketat dan percepatan program vaksinasi Covid-19, saat ini Pemerintah dapat dikatakan cukup berhasil mengendalikan angka penyebaran Covid-19. Hal ini tercermin turunnya kasus harian Covid-19 yang signifikan sejak September 2021. Di samping itu, harga komoditas seperti batubara, dan kelapa sawit terus melonjak di sepanjang tahun 2021 turut membantu ekspor negara dan pendapatan Pemerintah di tahun ini. Bank Indonesia mempertahankan suku bunga BI7DRR di tingkat 3,50% hingga September 2021 mengingat inflasi tetap terkendali di tingkat 1,60% pada September 2021, dan nilai tukar Rupiah relatif stabil.

Untuk mendorong sektor otomotif Indonesia yang sedang dilanda pandemi Covid-19, Pemerintah memperpanjang insentif Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah atau PPNBM 100% berdasarkan kategori gas emisi hingga di akhir tahun 2021. Dengan adanya kebijakan insentif ini, penjualan wholesale mobil baru dan sepeda motor baru domestik berhasil tumbuh masing-masing sebesar 69% y/y dan 31% y/y menjadi 628 ribu unit dan 3,8 juta unit pada sembilan bulan pertama tahun 2021.

“Seiring meningkatnya penjualan pada industri otomotif, Adira Finance mencatatkan total pembiayaan baru di 9M21 sebesar Rp 18,1 triliun, naik 36% y/y jika dibandingkan dengan periode sama tahun lalu. Seluruh segmen mengalami kenaikan terutama pada segmen mobil baru dan sepeda motor baru. Sementara itu, Piutang pembiayaan yang dikelola Perusahaan tercatat masih menurun sebesar 13% y/y menjadi Rp 39,9 triliun di September 2021. Penurunan pada piutang yang dikelola disebabkan rundown portfolio yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan pembiayaan baru karena penjualan belum kembali ke tingkat pre-covid.” kata Hafid Hadeli, Presiden Direktur.

“Di tengah pandemi Covid-19 di tahun 2021, Adira Finance telah melakukan beragam inovasi dalam menanggapi perubahan pasar dan perilaku konsumen dimana adopsi digitalisasi semakin cepat di masa-masa ini. Di tahun ini, bertepatan dengan momentum HUT ke- 31, Adira Finance akan meluncurkan aplikasi mobile Adiraku versi 2.0 sebagai upaya untuk menawarkan produk dan layanan yang lebih baik kepada konsumen. Disamping itu, Adira Finance juga mendorong konsumen menjadi lebih aktif dalam menggunakan platform digital seperti Momobil.id, momotor.id, serta dicicilaja.com sebagai alternatif dalam mengakuisisi pembiayaan baru serta konsumen baik existing maupun konsumen baru. Hingga September 2021, jumlah konsumen yang telah mengunduh aplikasi Adiraku hampir sekitar 1,8 juta konsumen dan jumlah konsumen yang terdaftar sekitar 736 ribu konsumen” kata Hafid Hadeli, Presiden Direktur

Perusahaan terus memberikan restrukturisasi kepada nasabah yang terdampak Covid-19. Per posisi September 2021, jumlah nasabah yang pinjamannya telah direstrukturisasi ada sebanyak 831 ribu kontrak atau sekitar Rp19.0 triliun mewakili sekitar 36% dari piutang yang dikelola per Februari 2020. Saat ini, sekitar 85% dari pinjaman nasabah yang telah direstrukturisasi telah mulai membayar kewajiban cicilannya.

Dari sisi keuangan, Perusahaan membukukan pendapatan bunga sebesar Rp 6,6 triliun, turun 17% y/y jika dibandingkan periode sama tahun lalu, terutama karena penurunan piutang pembiayaan. Sementara itu, beban bunga turun sebesar 25% y/y menjadi Rp2,2 triliun sejalan adanya penurunan pada jumlah pinjaman. Hasilnya, pendapatan bunga bersih tercatat turun 11% y/y menjadi Rp 4,2 triliun, sementara margin bunga bersih meningkat menjadi 13,1% dari 12,1% di 9M20. Beban operasional Perusahaan naik sebesar 3% y/y menjadi Rp2,7 triliun, sementara cost of credit menurun sebesar 18% y/y menjadi Rp1,1 triliun. Rasio NPF tercatat sebesar 2,8% dari piutang yang dikelola pada September 2021, menurun bila dibandingkan dengan kuartal I/2021 sebesar 3,0%. Secara keseluruhan, laba bersih Perusahaan setelah pajak dibukukan sebesar Rp 753,3 miliar atau mengalami penurunan sebesar 7,5% y/y dibandingkan periode sama tahun lalu. Return on Asset (ROA) dan Return on Equity (ROE) Perusahaan masing-masing tercatat menjadi sebesar 3,7% dan 12,6% dalam sembilan bulan pertama tahun 2021.

“Hingga saat ini, Perusahaan terus melakukan diversifikasi sumber pendanaannya melalui dukungan berkelanjutan dari pembiayaan bersama dengan Perusahaan induknya, Bank Danamon dan memperoleh pinjaman eksternal (pinjaman bank dan obligasi). Per posisi September 2021, Pembiayaan Bersama mewakili 44% dari piutang yang dikelola. Sementara itu, total pinjaman eksternal Perusahaan di September 2021 turun 42,1% y/y menjadi Rp 11,9 triliun, terdiri dari pinjaman bank (luar negeri dan dalam negeri) dan obligasi, masing-masing memberikan kontribusi 50%: 50%. Hasilnya, gearing ratio turun menjadi 1,4 kali dari sebelumnya 2,7 kali di 9M21, sehingga Perusahaan masih memiliki ruang gerak yang cukup besar untuk melakukan ekspansi saat pasar pulih kembali.” kata I Dewa Made Susila, Direktur Keuangan Adira Finance.

At the beginning of 2021, the spread of Covid-19 domestically and globally had shown a declining trend marked by a decrease in daily positive Covid cases and a decline in the daily death rate. However, in mid-June 2021, the number of Covid-19 spreads began to experience a significant increase which was triggered by the entry of mutations of the Covid-19 variant, creating a second wave of Covid-19 in Indonesia. The significant increase in daily Covid-19 cases has made the Government to implement PPKM (Activity Restrictions). As a result, the economic activity in the third quarter of 2021 has returned to become less conducive. As uncertainty remains high, the Ministry of Finance has revised down its economic growth target from 4.3%-5.3% to 3.7%-4.5% in 2021.

Along with the implementation of the PPKM policy, strict health protocols and the acceleration of the Covid-19 vaccination program, the Government has shown to be quite successful in controlling the spread of Covid-19. This is reflected in the significant decline in daily Covid-19 cases since September 2021. Meanwhile, commodity prices such as coal and palm oil have continued to surge throughout 2021 has helped the country’s export and government revenue this year. Bank Indonesia maintain the BI7DRR interest rate at 3.50% until September 2021 as inflation remains under control at the level of 1.60% in September 2021 and IDR exchange rate was relatively stable.

To support the country’s automotive sector that is hard hit by ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the Government has extended the incentive for Sales Tax on Luxury Goods or 100% (PPNBM) based on the emission gas category until the end of 2021. In line with this incentive policy, domestic wholesale of new cars and new motorcycles grow by 69% y/y and 31% y/y to 628 thousand units and 3.8 million units, respectively in the first nine month of 2021.

“As sales in the automotive industry increased, Adira Finance recorded a total new financing amounting to Rp18.1 trillion in 9M21, increased by 36% y/y compared to the same period last year. All segments experienced an increase, especially in the new car and new motorcycle segments. Meanwhile, managed receivables recorded a decline of 13% y/y to Rp 39.9 trillion in September 2021. The decline in managed receivables was due to a higher portfolio rundown compared to new financing growth as sales have yet to return to pre-covid level.” said Hafid Hadeli, President Director

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021, Adira Finance has carried out various innovations in response to the changing market and consumer behaviors in which the adoption of digitalization accelerates during these times. This year, coinciding with the momentum of the 31st Anniversary, Adira Finance will launch the version 2.0 of Adiraku mobile application as an effort to offer customers with better products and services. In addition, Adira Finance also encourages consumers to be more active in using digital platforms such as Momobil.id, momotor.id, and dicicilaja.com as an alternative in acquiring new financing and consumers, both existing and new consumers. Until September 2021, the number of consumers who have downloaded the Adiraku application is almost around 1.8 million consumers and the number of registered consumers is around 736 thousand consumers," said Hafid Hadeli, President Director

To help customers and support the government program, the Company offers loan restructuring program to customers affected by Covid-19. As of September 2021, the number of customers whose loans have been restructured is 831 thousand contracts or around Rp 19.0 trillion, representing around 36% of receivables managed as of February 2020. Currently, around 85% of restructured customer loans have started paying their installment obligations.

Financially, the Company recorded interest income of Rp6.6 trillion, declined by 17% y/y compared to the same period last year, mainly due to a decrease in outstanding financing receivables. Meanwhile, interest expense decreased by 25% y/y to Rp2.2 trillion in line with the decline of total borrowings. As a result, net interest income was recorded a decline by 11% y/y to Rp4.2 trillion while net interest margin increased to 13.1% from 12.1% in 9M20. The Company's operating expenses increased by 3% y/y to Rp2.7 trillion, while cost of credit decline by 18% y/y to Rp1.1 trillion. NPF ratio stood at 2.8% of manage receivables as of September 2021, decreased compared to first quarter 2021 at 3.0%. Taken all together, the Company's net profit after tax was recorded at Rp753,3 billion or decreased by 7.5% y/y compared to the same period last year. The Company's Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) were recorded at 3.7% and 12.6%, respectively, in the first nine months of 2021.

“To date, the Company has continued to diversify its funding sources through continuous support of joint financing with its parent company, Bank Danamon, and acquiring external borrowings (bank loans and bonds). As of September 2021, Joint Financing represented 44% of managed receivables. Meanwhile, the Company's total external borrowings as of September 2021 had declined by 42,1% y/y to Rp 16.8 trillion, consisting of bank loans (off- shore and onshore) and bonds, each contributing 50%: 50% respectively. As the result, gearing ratio fell to
1.4 times from previously at 2.7 times in 9M21, hence the Company still has substantial room to expand when the market recover.” said I Dewa Made Susila, Finance Director of Adira Finance.


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