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Adira Finance Mencatatkan Laba Bersih Tumbuh 44,3% y/y di Kuartal I-2022

27 April 2022 | Penulis : Corporate Comm.

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Memasuki awal tahun 2022, ekonomi global dan domestik masih dibayangi merebaknya kasus Covid-19 akibat munculnya varian baru Covid-19 Omicron yang memiliki penularan lebih cepat namun tingkat fatalitas yang lebih rendah dibanding varian sebelumnya sehingga menciptakan gelombang ketiga peningkatan kasus Covid-19. Oleh karena itu, berbagai negara termasuk Indonesia memperketat pembatasan mobilitas untuk mengendalikan penyebaran kasus Covid-19. Di Indonesia, program vaksinasi nasional terus dilakukan secara masif oleh Pemerintah menjadi salah satu katalis positif bagi proses pemulihan ekonomi di tahun 2022. Sehingga di akhir Maret 2022, penyebaran Covid-19 dapat terkendali dengan cepat dan pemulihan ekonomi domestik diharapkan terus berlanjut di tahun 2022.

Di sisi lain, adanya peningkatan risiko ekonomi global akibat dampak eskalasi ketegangan geopolitik Rusia- Ukraina diikuti dengan sanksi dari beberapa negara terhadap Rusia mempengaruhi kenaikan harga komoditas di awal tahun 2022 termasuk di dalamnya komoditas energi dan pangan sehingga mendorong tekanan inflasi di beberapa negara global. Akibatnya berbagai Lembaga Keuangan dapat memberikan downside risk terhadap prospek ekonomi global di tahun 2022. International Monetary Fund (IMF) merevisi pertumbuhan ekonomi global turun dari 4,4% ke 3,6% di tahun 2022.

Di Indonesia, Pemerintah optimis bahwa prospek pertumbuhan ekonomi di tahun 2022 diperkirakan tumbuh sekitar 4,8%-5,5%. Inflasi domestik mulai beranjak meningkat berada di level 2,6% di Maret 2022, dari 1,9% di Desember 2021. Sedangkan nilai tukar masih stabil di tengah ketidakpastian pasar keuangan global yang masih berlangsung sehingga Bank Indonesia masih mempertahankan suku bunga BI7DRR di level 3,50%.

Seiring berangsur pulihnya ekonomi domestik, penjualan ritel mobil baru domestik berhasil tumbuh signifikan sebesar 33,6% y/y menjadi 238 ribu unit dan penjualan motor domestik naik sebesar 17,1% y/y menjadi 1,3 juta unit hingga Maret 2022. Per 31 Maret 2022, insentif Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah (PPnBM) berdasarkan segmen harga jual antara Rp 200 juta sampai dengan Rp 250 juta telah berakhir. Namun konsumen tetap dapat menikmati insentif PPnBM untuk segmen mobil LCGC dengan tarif potongan sebesar 2/3 dari tarif PPnBM.

Sejalan dengan kenaikan penjualan otomotif domestik, Adira Finance mencatatkan pembiayaan baru meningkat sebesar 32,5% y/y menjadi Rp7,2 triliun di 1Q2022. Dengan demikian total piutang yang dikelola (termasuk porsi pembiayaan bersama) Perusahaan sebesar Rp 40,8 triliun hingga Maret 2022 atau mengalami sedikit penurunan sebesar 2,8% y/y dibandingkan periode sama tahun lalu. Penurunan pada piutang yang dikelola disebabkan rundown portfolio yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan pembiayaan baru.

Di samping itu, pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi dalam kurun waktu 2 tahun mengakselerasi adopsi teknologi digital di berbagai ekosistem bisnis. Oleh karena itu, Adira Finance terus melanjutkan pengembangan dan mempercepat digitalisasi di seluruh organisasi dan ekosistem seperti melakukan proses digital/ otomatisasi dan berinvestasi dalam bisnis digital (Adiraku, momobil.id, momotor.id, moservice.id, dicicilaja.co.id dan lain-lain) untuk mendorong efisiensi bisnis dan mempermudah nasabah dalam melakukan pembiayaan bersama Adira Finance.

“Di ajang Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) Hybrid yang diselenggarakan pada April 2022, Adira Finance hadir sebagai Official Multifinance Partner bersama dengan Danamon dan didukung oleh MUFG sebagai Official Bank Partner menawarkan beragam program dan promo menarik seperti bunga pembiayaan yang kompetitif, cashback, dan berbagai promo menarik lainnya bagi para pengunjung IIMS Hybrid 2022. Selain produk otomotif, Perusahaan juga menawarkan pembiayaan untuk produk non-otomotif seperti gadget, elektronik, furnitur, hingga pinjaman dana multiguna (MPL).” Kata I Dewa Made Susila, Direktur Utama*.

Hingga Maret 2022, Perusahaan telah memberikan restrukturisasi kepada nasabah yang terdampak oleh krisis ekonomi akibat adanya pandemi Covid-19. Per posisi Desember 2021, jumlah kumulatif nasabah yang pinjamannya telah direstrukturisasi ada sebanyak Rp19 triliun. Sementara itu, nilai outstanding akun restrukturisasi telah menurun menjadi Rp4,31 triliun dimana Rp24 miliar masih dalam masa tenggang per posisi Maret 2022.

Per posisi Maret 2022, Rasio gross NPL konsolidasi membaik menjadi sebesar 2,0%, jika dibandingkan periode sama tahun lalu sebesar 3,4% yang didukung aktivitas ekonomi yang berangsur pulih sehingga mempengaruhi kapasitas pembayaran konsumen.

Adira Finance mencatatkan kinerja yang cukup baik hingga Maret 2022, dimana Perusahaan berhasil mencatatkan pertumbuhan laba bersih meningkat sebesar tumbuh 44,3% y/y menjadi Rp304,5 miliar. Peningkatan ini didorong oleh pendapatan bunga yang meningkat sebesar 3,9% y/y menjadi Rp2,2 triliun, sementara beban bunga turun 8,1% y/y menjadi Rp780 miliar yang sejalan dengan adanya penurunan pada jumlah pinjaman dan biaya bunga. Sehingga, pendapatan bunga bersih meningkat sebesar 11,7% y/y menjadi Rp1,5 triliun dan margin bunga bersih meningkat menjadi 14,4% di 1Q22. Beban operasional meningkat sebesar 5,6% sejalan dengan pertumbuhan bisnis Perusahaan, sementara cost of credit terus mengalami penurunan sebesar 33,3% y/y menjadi Rp284 miliar di 1Q22 jika dibandingkan periode sama tahun lalu. Secara keseluruhan Adira Finance membukukan laba bersih sebelum pajak tumbuh 41,2% y/y menjadi Rp395,4 miliar. Hasilnya, Return on Asset (ROA) dan Return on Equity (ROE) Perusahaan masing-masing meningkat menjadi sebesar 4,9% dan 14,6%.

Dari sisi pendanaan, Perusahaan terus melakukan diversifikasi sumber pendanaannya melalui dukungan berkelanjutan dari pembiayaan bersama dengan Perusahaan induknya, Bank Danamon dan memperoleh pinjaman eksternal (pinjaman bank dan obligasi). Per posisi Maret 2022, Pembiayaan Bersama mewakili 47% dari piutang yang dikelola. Sementara itu, total pinjaman eksternal Perusahaan di Maret 2022 turun 12,1% y/y menjadi Rp 11,8 triliun. Hasilnya, gearing ratio turun dari sebelumnya 1,6 kali menjadi 1,4 kali di kuartal I/2022. Di bulan Maret 2022, Perusahaan telah menerbitkan Obligasi PUB V Tahap III dan Sukuk Mudharabah IV Tahap III tahun 2022 senilai Rp 2,0 triliun dengan oversubscribe 3,4x.

In the beginning of 2022, the global and domestic economy was still overshadowed by the outbreak of Covid-19 cases due to the emergence of a new variant of Covid-19 Omicron which has faster transmission but lower fatality rate than the previous variant, creating a third wave of increased cases of Covid-19. Therefore, various countries including Indonesia have tightened mobility restrictions to control the spread of Covid-19 cases. In Indonesia, the government's massive national vaccination program continues to be one of the positive catalysts for the economic recovery process in 2022. Hence, by the end of March 2022, the spread of Covid-19 can be controlled quickly and domestic economic recovery is expected to continue in 2022.

On the other hand, global economic risks has increased due to the impact of the escalating Russia-Ukraine geopolitical tension. This is followed by sanctions from several countries against Russia that affected the increase in commodity prices in early 2022, including energy commodities and agriculture, thereby driving inflationary pressures in several global countries. As a result, various financial institutions may pose a downside risk to the global economic outlook in 2022. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) revised down global economic growth from 4.4% to 3.6% in 2022.

In Indonesia, the Government is optimistic that the prospect of economic growth in 2022 is estimated to grow around 4.8%-5.5%. Domestic inflation started to increase at the level of 2.6% in March 2022, from 1.9% in December 2021. Meanwhile, the exchange rate remained stable amid ongoing global financial market uncertainty. Therefore, Bank Indonesia still maintained the BI7DRR interest rate at level of 3.50%.

As the domestic economy gradually recovered, domestic retail sales of new cars grew significantly by 33.6% y/y to 238 thousand units and domestic motorcycle sales increased by 17.1% y/y to 1.3 million units as of March 2022. As of March 31, 2022, the Luxury Goods Sales Tax (PPnBM) incentive has ended for the segment of selling price

between Rp 200 million to Rp 250 million. However, consumers can still enjoy PPnBM incentives for the LCGC car segment with a discount rate of 2/3 of the PPnBM tariff.

In line with the increase in domestic automotive sales, Adira Finance recorded new financing growth of 32.5% y/y to Rp7.2 trillion in 1Q2022. Thus, the Company's total managed receivables (including the joint financing portion) amounted to Rp 40.8 trillion as of March 2022, a slight decrease of 2.8% y/y compared to the same period last year. The decline in managed receivables was due to a higher portfolio rundown compared to new financing growth.

In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic that occurred within the last 2 years has accelerated the adoption of digital technology in various business ecosystems. Therefore, Adira Finance has continued to develop and accelerate digitization throughout the organization and ecosystem, such as implementing digital/automation processes and investing in digital businesses (Adiraku, momobil.id, momotor.id, moservice.id, dicicilaja.co.id and others) to encourage business efficiency and make it easier for customers to do financing with Adira Finance.

“At the Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) Hybrid, which was held in April 2022, Adira Finance was an Official Multifinance Partner together with Danamon and supported by MUFG as an Official Bank Partner offering a variety of attractive programs and promotions such as competitive financing rates, cashback, and various other interesting promotions for visitors to IIMS Hybrid 2022. In addition to automotive products, the Company also provides financing for non- automotive products such as gadgets, electronics, furniture, to multipurpose loans (MPL).” Said Dewa Made Susila, President Director*.

As of March 2022, the Company provided loan restructuring program to customers who are affected by economic crisis resulting from Covid-19 pandemic. As of December 2021, the cumulative number of customers whose loans have been restructured is Rp19 trillion. However, outstanding restructured loans has declined to Rp4.31 of which Rp24 billion are still in grace period as of March 2022.

As of March 2022, the consolidated gross NPL ratio improved to 2.0%, compared to 3.4% in the same period last year, supported by gradual recovery in economic activity, which affected consumer payment capacity.

Adira Finance recorded relatively good performance as of March 2022, where the Company managed to record an increase in net profit growth of 44.3% y/y to Rp304.5 billion. This increase was driven by interest income which rose by 3.9% y/y to Rp2.2 trillion, while interest expense decreased by 8.1% y/y to Rp780 billion in line with a decrease in borrowings and cost of funds. Thus, net interest income rose by 11.7% y/y to Rp1.5 trillion and net interest margin up to 14.4% in 1Q22. Operating expenses increased by 5.6% relatively in line with the Company's business growth, while cost of credit continued to decline by 33.3% y/y to Rp284 billion in 1Q22 compared to the same period last year. Overall, Adira Finance posted net profit before tax of Rp395.4 billion, grew by 41.2% y/y. As a result, the Company's Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) increased to 4.9% and 14.6%, respectively.

In terms of funding, the Company has continued to diversify its funding sources through continuous support from joint financing with its parent company, Bank Danamon and obtaining external borrowings (bank loans and bonds). As of March 2022, joint financing represented 47% of managed receivables. Meanwhile, the Company's total external borrowings in March 2022 decreased by 12.1% y/y to Rp 11.8 trillion. As a result, the gearing ratio fell from 1.6 times to 1.4 times in the first quarter of 2022. In March 2022, the Company issued PUB Bond V Phase III and Sukuk Mudharabah IV Phase III 2022 amounting to IDR 2.0 trillion with an oversubscribe of 3.4x.


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